
Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm not typically a clumsy person...

...I think the track hates me! I don't think I should go there anymore.

I get hurt there.

It's happened three times now... in the last four events. That's not good averaging.

The first time, at our first test and tune, I tripped while trying to get off a picnic table bench. Along with the cool looking black eye (click here to see it)  I got from hitting my face on the concrete, I hurt my left hand and right knee. I also had a huge bruise...somewhere (I'd tell you, but I don't want search engines  finding my blog from the words like that).

Then a week later, on our first night race of the season, a car hit the wall, started smoking really bad and I panicked. I was sitting at the bottom bleachers and I just couldn't stand to watch what was going on out on the track, so I stated running up the stairs. Well, I missed the top step and fell to the ground. In front of everyone. I re-injured my left hand and right knee, which weren't completely healed yet. Also, I hurt my left knee and my right hand, really bad. My thumb is still swollen, hopefully it heals soon. It should be ok though, the Dr. said it's not broke.

We had another test and tune after that race, and all was well. No injuries. I sat in my car most of the time, just for protection.

Then, last night, I thought I was in the clear.

Here is Chad's version.
It was the second to the last race and I hadn't been injured yet, and since I love the attention I get from being hurt, I had to think quick. Time was running out and so I kicked a piece of steel that's sticking out of the ground next to the concession stand. I knew it was there and that would be the only reason for me to kick it.

That ought to do it...I think I can get some sympathy for this:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I've never seen anything like this before

And I apologize for so many pictures, but it's kind of like National Geographic in my windowsill.

I heard a sound, a weird sound. I thought maybe the neighbor was using some power tool in his back yard. The sound got louder as I got to the window and when I raised the blinds, I saw this:
 It was lunch. And lunch wasn't happy about it.

And the one having lunch wasn't too happy at being disturbed.
 So with lunch kicking and screaming,
she carried him away.

Wasn't that interesting? I thought so!

Now here's the part that I should tell you that I almost didn't show you this fascinating afternoon show. It's obvious from the pictures that this isn't the first meal to be had in my windowsill, and that means it's been like that for awhile. What can I say? It's been a long winter.

But you'll be happy to know that the windowsill dining room cafe has been closed for cleaning.
See? All clean.

Friday, May 6, 2011

On this day, last year

Funny. I remember the day I took this picture.
I only know the date because the photo file tells me.
And because I have the picture, I remember the day.

That's the funny part.

It was hot this day, May 6, 2010.
Kristy and I were on a mission.
Nothing important, we were just looking for the prettiest weed flowers we could find to take pictures of.

I would say we scored!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Grampa calls her Gopher

She liked it when he called her that when she was little. But now that shes all grown up, she says it's not her name.

I have a feeling, she'll be called that forever.

She lost her 2nd tooth the morning they traveled to our house for a visit. The tooth fairy left her two dollars for that tooth. Grampa says thats the going price for a tooth when it's picked up at Grampa's house.

I took her to the store to spend her tooth money and she bought a pair of flip-flops...for two dollar and fifty cents. Oh, and she got change back. I still can't figure out how she managed to do that.

Must be that 5 year old charm.

Monday, May 2, 2011

It was fun at first

I got some really good advice from someone on facebook to "milk" it for all it's worth.  And I have, but after five days, I'm growing tired of my black purple eye.

I have to say though, I like the shade. It's just a a little bit too much color for everyday and its really hard to make the other eyelid match.  I can tell it's starting to fade a little in the corner, maybe by next week it will be a lovely shade of green.

 Oh, and yes!!! I really did fall on my eye.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Starting over

Going out on a gone. I'm putting it to rest.
So, here we are.....Welcome to I like Marshmallows.
I don't imagine things will be much different around here, you'll recognize me, but it's a new world now and a lot of things have changed.

So lets start fresh.

Grandpa Bob turned 90 yesterday. The wind ruined the park party we had scheduled and we moved it to my house. Good food and great company. Who could ask for more?

Me, Grampy, Sindee, Michelle, Dad